Bidrage med feedbackThis is a fantastic store where every detail is carefully attended to. The staff and owners are personable and friendly, the clothing is amazing, and the coffee is excellent. Plus, they focus on cycling. What more could you ask for? Thank you.
(Translated by Google) Peloton de Paris is a very nice place in Melines. The business is located in Bruul, Parking nearby. It's all around the path here. We found this cool t-shirt. We will certainly go back. Nothing is more beautiful than the prospect of a discovery. (Original view) Peloton de Paris is een zeer mooie zaak in Mechelen. De zaak is gelegen op de Bruul, Parking in de buurt. Yesterday was going round of koers. Wij vonden er deze toffe 't shirt. We gaan er zeker nog langs. Niets is mooier dan het vooruitzicht van de ontdekking.
Very kind and helpful people, quality of clothing is also really top notch!
(Translated by Google) Great place to stop for a coffee while browsing class cycling clothing. (Original view) Great place to stop for a coffee while browsing some class cycling apparel.
(Traduit Par Google) Belle boutique the veggies the cyclism et the toutes sort the mains. The genes sympathiques qui se feront un plaisir the vous aider. Les veggies eux-mes prot particulation bons. C'est pour votre argent. Vous remarquez que ce magasin est noré par des character qui font également du vélo régulièrement. Paremple, si vous étes tombé dance class 12 mois et que votre uniform PdP a éténte étémagé la chute, vous pouva quez ques érérérés érérés érérérérérérérés érérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés érérérés éréréréréréréréréréréréréré é érés érérérés érérérérérérérérérérérés éré és és és és és és és és és és és és és és és é Dance the circonstances normals. (sans Corona), vous pouvez également facilement vous y rendre pourn prendre un cafe vorsque vous Masque, (Avis d'origine) Happy shop for bike clothes and all hands. Friendly people who help you with pleasure. Clothing itself is very good. It might be a little more expensive than usual, but you'll get your money. You can see that this store is run by people who bicycle themselves. If your bv would have fallen down within 12 months and your PDP outfit would have been damaged by the fall, you could trade in the damaged PDP and get 40% off that same clothing at P.P. This is something I haven't found anywhere else, but what of course is a good plus. In normal, Corona-free conditions, you can easily be there for a coffee if you pass Mechelen, at the moment, but you're definitely still on the schedule.